Deepavali or Diwali ( pronounced ‘dee - wall - ee’) is India’s well known Festival of Lights that commemorates the mythical King Ram returning to his kingdom and re-establishing his rule bringing about the golden age of India, some thousands of years ago.
During the five-day Diwali event there will be displays of fireworks, music, revelry and worship at the home & temple. It is typical to visit friends and relatives, wear new clothes, eat special food, light small ‘deeps’ which are earthenware oil lamps and give expensive gifts.
As followers of Christ we will be celebrating Diwali to the Father of Lights, who lights every person’s conscience, in hopes that they will recognize the Light of the World, Jesus the Christ. Our team and fellow Hindu disciples of Christ will be having satsangs (home fellowships) and special bhajans (devotional songs) focused on Christ’s advent during this festive time. Please pray for us and our friends we invite!
Interestingly, the Latin word adventus is used in reference to the Second Coming. The season of Advent serves a dual reminder of the original waiting that was done by the Hebrews for the birth of their Messiah as well as our waiting for the second coming of Christ. In many ways the festival of Diwali is our ‘Christmas’ and ‘Advent’ put together, since the Light of the World, Sadguru Yeshu (Jesus Christ), was born 2000+ years ago and will come again to establish his kingdom forever.
Mrinalini: A Diwali Thanksgiving Gift
We are very thankful for a very special Diwali gift that came to us this month as our baby daughter, Mrinalini Isabel, was born on October 2nd at 6AM. Since Mohandas ‘Mahatma’ Gandhi, the father of modern India, was also born on October 2nd it is a national holiday in India and that means Mrinalini gets a holiday for her birthday every year she is in India!
Mrinalini is an Indian name that means ‘first petal or first bud of the lotus’. The lotus is a well known symbol of gyan (knowledge) in India since its beauty rises out of a muddy, watery swamp. This mire in Hindu thought is symbolic of maya or avidhya (ignorance).
Being this is the second baby we are currently experiencing no avidhya, or ignorance, on our parental duties! Mama & baby are both healthy and doing well. In India you can call her Mrinalini or Nalini.
Isabel is of course spanish/portuguese/italian for 'Elizabeth' but don't call her Isabel around Indian Christians as in the Hindi bible translation of JEZABEL is IZABEL! To bad for all the pretty little Isabelles out there... Latin languages vs. Sanskrit & Hebrew... ummm... yeah...